My friend Teresa asked me if I would like to go to Cotija, Mexico with her. Teresa was born there, and spent her early childhood living in the village. Her nephew was getting married, and she was going back for the wedding. Every couple of years, Teresa visits her family there. She and her husband bought and built on her mother's property in Cotija; a very comfortable 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Seeing this as an opportunty of a lifetime -- total immersion in another culture -- I said "yes!!!" Her family in Cotija were very warm and inviting, I felt comfortable and welcomed the entire time. During our visit, we helped with Teresa's sister and her friends at the soup kitchen. Talking with Mela (Teresa's sister), we became aware of the great need in the community. There are many widows who need help to survive. Mela and her friends cook healthy, nutritious soups and delivers meals to @ 45 women in the commuity every day. There are an additional 100 or so who come and eat at the kitchen. This goes on every day except Sunday. Mela and her partner, Padre (I forgot his name, sorry) have plans to expand the soup kitchen and build a home for 50 senior adults. They have the architectural plans, and the property -- they just need $$$ to build. I realized maybe Teresa and I could help with this -- with my pictures and Teresa telling Mela's stories of the people she serves ... perhaps we could help generate donations.
These are some of the pictures I took ... of the kitchen, the women preparing the soups, the deliveries ... the sights of Cocina Cotija. I have thrown in a few of my favorites from a sightseeing trip to Paracho, as well :) Paracho is known for their hand crafted guitars. Enjoy!